Saturday 27 March 2010

Public diplomacy

Public diplomacy is often interrelated with soft power which relies on an ability to attract. It could be argued that public diplomacy it is one of the tools of soft power. The main goal of public diplomacy is to create a positive image of a particular country or an actor. Many governments have realised that it is crucial to apply technology in the social networking possibilities to the world of diplomacy and public diplomacy in particular. Not only governments but other entities are trying to adapt to the new environment by creating a world of “virtual diplomacy”. New technology is absolutely necessary for successfully accomplishing this goal. It is an enabler of a new approach to conduction of public diplomacy: the Internet. We can see that many embassies are setting up their own YouTube channels and translating their web pages to different foreign languages. This is all in order to promote their country or interests and attract visitors from various backgrounds. It is essential to keep information up to date and react quickly to the changing environment when using tools such as videos, blogs or chats. Public diplomacy is also about educational exchanges; it is in the country’s interest to bring foreigners to direct contact with its culture and make it popular. The youth remains one of the main targets when addressing the audience. It enables them to express their opinions peacefully and hopefully not to use violence as a form of expression. The Internet is becoming a blog of civil society and one of the strongest tools of public diplomacy. It should promote an open discussion rather than dictation.

1 comment:

  1. Berta

    You have made some interesting comments in your blog, but I genuinely think that public diplomacy is designed mainly for presenting a false picture or for propaganda purposes
